Home Inspector in Tyler, TX

Licensed Professional Real Estate Inspector in the State of Texas TREC #24973


Curtis and his wife Michelle moved to East Texas for their business in the ‘90s after he graduated from Texas A&M and she graduated from Baylor.  They have three grown children. Curtis has served a combined 11-years in pastoral care in Europe and orphanage outreach and street ministry in Central America, and the Cannon family returned home in 2016 to be closer to their family.  The Cannons are advocates for foster care and local and international adoption. Curtis and his family are active members at Green Acers Baptist Church.

Curtis enjoys camping, drinking coffee at any time of day, hiking, and traveling with Michelle.  Curtis’ passion for quality, eye for detail, and history in both business and the construction trades help make him the perfect choice as your Professional Home Inspector.

Curtis is fluent in Spanish and can review any report and inspection completely in Spanish.

Contact Curtis today for your Inspection